The Awesome Olive- Favalosa
Medium Intensity - The Favolosa olive, or FS-17 variety, was developed in Italy in the 80’s and exists primarily in small plantings worldwide. This oil is an excellent example of a well-balanced, medium-robust mouthfeel and flavour intensity with predominant flavour notes of fresh, spicy, green herbs – especially green apple – with balanced notes of mint, black, and chili pepper. Crush Date: May 2023
Polyphenols : 482 Oleic Acid: 72.7% Acidity (FFA) : 0.13% Peroxides : 5.09
1,2 DAGs : 91.3% PPP: 1.95 Fruity: 7.5 Bitter: 4.0 Pungency: 7.5
Orders can take up to 2 weeks to be delivered. You will receive an email to confirm the date and approximate time of delivery when your order has been shipped. Online orders may also be picked up on Saturdays from 10-5pm at the Farm Shop 1630 Heritage Line, Keene. Please email regarding the date of pick-up.
No refunds or cancellations, store credit only.